Invasive alien species (IAS) factsheets

Invasive Alien Species in Europe

Non-native species introduced into Europe, whether by accident or deliberately, can be of policy concern. As a consequence of their presence, ecosystems can be disrupted, crops and livestock can be affected, and vector-borne diseases or parasites might be introduced. Non-native species causing such adverse effects are called invasive alien species (IAS). To protect native biodiversity and ecosystems, and to mitigate the potential impact on human health and socio-economic activities, the issue of IAS is tackled in Europe by an EU Regulation (2016/1141), which provides for a set of measures to be taken across all member states.

DNA-based species identifications

To implement the proposed actions, accurate species identifications are required. Since morphology-based species identifications are not always possible (e.g. cryptic species, trace material, early life-stages), BopCo evaluates the usefulness of publicly available DNA sequence data to reliably identify the plant and animal species included in the list of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern. The results of these evaluations are presented as factsheets (one per IAS) compiled using publicly available DNA sequence data and information aggregated from various sources.

Each factsheet consists of two parts:

  1. a short introduction to the specific IAS, compiling information on its classification, as well as its native and invasive distribution
  2. an investigation with respect to the usefulness of publicly available DNA sequences to identify this IAS using DNA barcoding

The BopCo factsheets aim to inform policy makers and provide relevant authorities with an identification and detection tool for the verification of suspected IAS samples.

Additional information

For further information about the applied approach and materials and methods, please consult the document Identifying IAS based on DNA barcoding using currently available sequence data: details on applied material and methods. For more information concerning the factsheets or how to send samples for analyses, please contact BopCo directly.

Currently, the factsheets cover the plants and animals listed in the original regulation (2016/1141) and the first update (2017/1263). Clicking on the respective pdf-icon will give access to the factsheet compiled by BopCo.

Additionally, BopCo compiled separate factsheets of invasive flatworms in Europe.


– For the IAS Factsheets web page as a whole:
BopCo – Barcoding Facility for Organisms and Tissues of Policy Concern. 2024. Invasive alien species (IAS) factsheets. BopCo. Belgium. Available from:, accessed on DD-MM-YYYY.

– For an individual IAS factsheet:
See at the end of each factsheet.


FactsheetScientific species nameEnglish species nameFrench species nameDutch species nameStart date EU regulation
Acacia salignagolden wreath wattlemimosa à feuilles de saulewilgacacia15/08/2019
Ailanthus altissimatree of heavenailante glanduleuxhemelboom15/08/2019
Alternanthera philoxeroidesalligator weedherbe à alligator alligatorkruid02/08/2017
Andropogon virginicusbroomsedge bluestembarbon de VirginieAmerikaans bezemgras15/08/2019
Asclepias syriacacommon milkweedherbe à cotonzijdeplant02/08/2017
Baccharis halimifoliaeastern baccharisbaccharide à feuilles d’halime struikaster03/08/2016
Cabomba carolinianaCarolina fanwortcabomba de Carolinewaterwaaier03/08/2016
Cardiospermum grandiflorumballoon vinevigne ballonballonrank15/08/2019
Cenchrus setaceus 
(Pennisetum setaceum)
crimson fountaingrassherbe aux écouvillons pourpresfraai lampenpoetsergras02/08/2017
Cortaderia jubatapurple pampas grassherbe de la pampa pourprehoog pampagras15/08/2019
Ehrharta calycinaperennial veldtgrassehrharte calicinaleroze rimpelgras15/08/2019
Elodea nuttalliiNuttall’s waterweedelodée de Nuttallsmalle waterpest02/08/2017
Gunnera tinctoriaChilean rhubarbrhubarbe géante du Chilimammoetblad02/08/2017
Gymnocoronis spilanthoidesSenegal tea plantfaux hygrophilesmalle theeplant15/08/2019
Heracleum mantegazzianumgiant hogweedberce de Caucasereuzenbereklauw02/08/2017
Heracleum persicumPersian hogweedberce de PersePerzische berenklauw03/08/2016
Heracleum sosnowskyiSosnowsky’s hogweedberce de SosnowskyiSosnowsky’s berenklauw03/08/2016
Humulus scandensJapanese hophoublon du Japonoosterse hop15/08/2019
Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesfloating pennyworthydrocotyle flottantegrote waternavel03/08/2016
Impatiens glanduliferaIndian balsambalsamine de l’Himalayareuzenbalsemien02/08/2017
Koenigia polystachyaHimalayan knotweed, cultivated knotweedrenouée de l’Himalaya, renouée à nombreux épisAfghaanse duizendknoop02/08/2022
Lagarosiphon majorcurly waterweedelodée à feuilles alternesverspreidbladige waterpest03/08/2016
Lespedeza cuneataChinese bushcloverlespedeza soyeuxChinese struikklaver15/08/2019
Ludwigia grandiflorawater-primrosejussie à grandes fleursgrote waterteunisbloem03/08/2016
Ludwigia peploidesfloating primrose-willowjussie rampantekleine waterteunisbloem03/08/2016
Lygodium japonicumvine-like fernfougère grimpante du JaponJapanse klimvaren15/08/2019
Lysichiton americanusAmerican skunk cabbagelysichitemoerasaronskelk03/08/2016
Microstegium vimineumJapanese stiltgrassherbe à échasses japonaiseJapans steltgras02/08/2017
Myriophyllum aquaticumBrazilian watermilfoilmyriophylle du Brésilparelvederkruid03/08/2016
Myriophyllum heterophyllumbroadleaf watermilfoilmyriophylle à feuilles variées ongelijkbladig vederkruid02/08/2017
Parthenium hysterophoruswhitetop weedfausse camomilleschijnambrosia03/08/2016
Pontederia crassipes
(Eichhornia crassipes)
water hyacintheichhornie communegewone waterhyacint03/08/2016
Persicaria perfoliataAsiatic tearthumbrenouée perfoliéegestekelde duizendknoop03/08/2016
Prosopis julifloramesquitebayahondemesquite15/08/2019
Pueraria montana var. lobata
(Pueraria lobata)
kudzu vinepuéraire hirsutekudzu03/08/2016
Salvinia molestaSalvinia mossSalvinie géantegrote vlotvaren15/08/2019
Triadica sebiferaChinese tallowarbre à suiftalgboom15/08/2019

Factsheets for the plant species included in the list of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern. Each factsheet includes a short introduction to the specific IAS (taxonomic classification, native and invasive distribution, etc.) and information on the usefulness of publicly available DNA sequences to identify this IAS using DNA barcoding.


FactsheetScientific species nameEnglish species nameFrench species nameDutch species nameStart date EU regulation
Acridotheres tristiscommon mynamartin tristetreurmaina15/08/2019
Alopochen aegyptiaca
(Alopochen aegyptiacus)
Egyptian gooseouette d’Egyptenijlgans02/08/2017
Ameiurus melasblack bullheadpoisson-chatzwarte (Amerikaanse) dwergmeerval02/08/2022
Arthurdendyus triangulatusNew Zealand flatwormver plat de Nouvelle-ZélandeNieuw-Zeelandse platworm15/08/2019
Callosciurus erythraeusPallas’ squirrelecureuil à ventre rougePallas eekhoorn03/08/2016
Callosciurus finlaysoniiFinlayson’s squirrel, variable squirrelecureuil de FinlaysonFinlaysonklappereekhoorn, Thaise eekhoorn02/08/2022
Channa argusamur snakehead, northern snakehead, ocellated snakeheadpoisson à tête de serpent du Nordnoordelijke slangekopvis02/08/2022
Corvus splendensIndian house crowcorbeau d’Indehuiskraai03/08/2016
Eriocheir sinensisChinese mittencrabcrabe chinoisChinese wolhandkrab03/08/2016
Faxonius limosus
(Orconectes limosus)
spiny-cheek crayfishécrevisse américaine gevlekte rivierkreeft03/08/2016
Faxonius rusticusrusty crayfishécrevisse à taches rougesNA02/08/2022
Faxonius virilis
(Orconectes virilis)
virile crayfishécrevisse à pinces bleues geknobbelde Amerikaanse rivierkreeft03/08/2016
Fundulus heteroclitusMummichogChoquemortNA02/08/2024
Gambusia affiniswestern mosquitofishgambusie de l’ouestmuskietenvisje02/08/2022
Gambusia holbrookieastern mosquitofishgambusie de l’estoostelijk muskietenvisje02/08/2022
Herpestes javanicus
(H.j. auropunctatus)
small Asian mongoosemangousteIndische mangoest03/08/2016
Lampropeltis getulaeastern kingsnake, common kingsnake, chain kingsnakeserpent roigewone koningsslang02/08/2022
Lepomis gibbosuspumpkinseedperche soleilzonnebaars15/08/2019
Limnoperna fortuneigolden musselmoule doréegouden mossel02/08/2022
Lithobates catesbeianusAmerican bullfroggrenouille-taureauAmerikaanse stierkikker03/08/2016
Morone americanawhite perch, narrow-mouthed bass, sea perch, silver perch, wreckfishbaret, perche blanche, bar-perche ou petit bar, bar blanc d’Amerique, cernier atlantique, perche blancheAmerikaanse zeebaars02/08/2022
Muntiacus reevesimuntjac deermuntjacmuntjak03/08/2016
Myocastor coypuscoypuragondinbeverrat03/08/2016
Nasua nasuacoaticoati rouxrode neusbeer03/08/2016
Nyctereutes procyonoidesraccoon dogchien viverrinwasbeerhond02/02/2019
Ondatra zibethicusmuskratrat musquémuskusrat02/08/2017
Oxyura jamaicensisruddy duckérismature rousserosse stekelstaart03/08/2016
Pacifastacus leniusculussignal crayfishécrevisse de Californiesignaalkreeft03/08/2016
Perccottus gleniiAmur sleepergoujon de l’amourAmurgrondel03/08/2016
Plotosus lineatusstriped eel catfishpoisson-chat rayégestreepte koraalmeerval15/08/2019
Procambarus clarkiired swamp crayfishécrevisse rouge de maraisrode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft03/08/2016
Procambarus virginalis
(P. fallax f. virginalis) 
marbled crayfishécrevisse marbréemarmerkreeft03/08/2016
Procyon lotorcommon raccoonraton laveurwasbeer03/08/2016
Pseudorasbora parvastone morokogoujon asiatiqueblauwband03/08/2016
Sciurus carolinensisgrey squirrelécureuil grisgrijze eekhoorn03/08/2016
Sciurus nigerfox squirrelécureuil fauveAmerikaanse voseekhoorn03/08/2016
Solenopsis geminatatropical fire antfourmi de feu tropicaletropische vuurmier, tabaks-mier02/08/2022
Solenopsis invictared imported fire antfourmi de feurode vuurmier02/08/2022
Solenopsis richteriblack imported fire antfourmi de feu noirzwarte vuurmier02/08/2022
Tamias sibiricusSiberian chipmunktamia de SibérieAziatische (gestreepte) grondeekhoorn03/08/2016
Threskiornis aethiopicussacred ibisibis sacréheilige ibis03/08/2016
Trachemys scriptared-eared, yellow-bellied and Cumberland sliderstortue de Floride
(T.s. elegans)
roodwang-, geelbuik- en geelwangschildpad03/08/2016
Vespa velutina nigrithoraxAsian hornetfrelon asiatique(donkere) Aziatische hoornaar03/08/2016
Wasmannia auropunctatacocoa tree-ant, electric ant, little introduced fire ant,
little red fire ant, small fire ant and West Indian stinging ant
fourmi électrique, fourmi rouge, petit fourmi de feudwergvuurmier02/08/2022

Factsheets for the animal species included in the list of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern. Each factsheet includes a short introduction to the specific IAS (taxonomic classification, native and invasive distribution, etc.) and information on the usefulness of publicly available DNA sequences to identify this IAS using DNA barcoding.